Monday, September 19, 2005


just woke up; have some things to say but not sure how to. did a lot of unintentional thinking last night but now i feel somehow really confused and more clear on things. last night i looked at old pictures, basically of my life going back way before i was born up until now, so that was a lot to ruminate over. i dunno. im still in a daze and i think its time to move on to other things. this line keeps running over and over in my head--

and that's why you have to leave

--and i can't for the LIFE of me...grr.

1 comment:

jennyjeep said...

Aww Alanna...I know how you feel. That was me pre-New York and I think it's coming back around full circle. And you know what else? Friends would be glad to keep you company on that lonely couch of yours sometime. It's just a matter of asking. ;) Love ya- Jenn