Monday, September 22, 2008

i don't know what changed

i can't help but feel, although i did make it to church and to plenty of things this weekend, that a part of my spirit is a little crushed.

it's a few things, i mean i know what they are, and why they accumulated this way... but i don't know why it's a recurring thing. i guess i tried very hard and with all my heart to avoid this eventual feeling that is rather low.

shame, really, i had so much life and so much to say just a couple of days ago before all of this.


-john mayer

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

guns + pizza/beer breakfast = total class

so this weekend was pure hedonism

lovely dinner with T on Friday *pasta and wine and more drinks,
UT game with the UT kids on Saturday and thus began the drunken haze *beer, nachos and more...

sunday was begun the way all sundays should, with shooting at a gun range and cabo cantina *jack in the box for breakfast + margs, beer and whiskey and nachos

continued with promenade and movie and more hijinks *whiskey and beer and cotton candy, chocolate pretzels and popcorn


with a grand finale of beer and pizza for breakfast monday...and more pizza later at night?? christ reading this makes me sick. but it was a great weekend and had good T-times. haha how in the world do i balance that out? all i know is it's endemic of a severe need for vacation time--i went overboard purely because i didn't have to work. and i indulged, believe me.

all hope is not lost, however, as i feel more eager than ever to press on, and hit the gym like a nut, and share with the world my hidden hot chick.

honestly...i have no deep thoughts in mind, no observations, no epiphany other than that i enjoyed my fat cat time.

and my glock time!!