Monday, September 26, 2005


i'm sitting in the psych lab working on the thesis and needed a break...btdubs forget whatever i said about being too busy to blog till november. it was a big fat lie and i'm a liar for saying so. this girl behind me is about to make me scream: she's alternating between these huge coughing fits and cramming potato chips in her face. i bet she can't eat just one! oh sweet jesus girl stuff a cough drop in it i'm trying to live, here...

the weekend will now be summed up for those who missed sharing it with me (who am i kidding it's gonna be those mentioned therein that read this but what the hey):
*Thursday night: auditions, Murphy is born, houston drives to austin, chili's, drunk off an el nino. one drink. then home for 8am meeting next day...
*Friday: callbacks, the whole gang at my place to deliberate, Murphy calls, i proudly play message over speakerphone after a few beers, we decide on new dancers by 2am but i can't post till 4 b/c i'm incapacitated, sleep happens finally...
*Saturday: my body rebels and wakes up early, i waste lots of time, new girls to dinner at matt's el rancho, to ashley's and then kel's for taxi pickup, decline Murphy's offer of sexy grownup trashcan punch (wow nothing says class like dumping gross shit in a barrel and offering it to the ladies), dt at SoHo for good times and brewskys, over to chuggin where so much fantasticality happens i can't even find words...stood outside forever with Ragin' Rob and kel to finally get home where i pee alot and pass out. drove home at 8am the next morning to the best bed in the world (gotta see it to believe it). then i freak out a little because of what's gotta get done this week, but the stress turns to depression after realizing a few things...not important to say.

and now the week's begun my friends.....gooooooulet. snaps to you if you can decode the following:
btdubs i thought i was dunzo but it turns out i'm just whatev--you're HUNGRY...*you know what goes here* always do.

love to you all

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