Monday, November 26, 2007

i am the holiday cheerleader.

Ahoy. Here I am, pleasant Sunday night--capping off a really wonderful day spent sleeping, watching football, brunch, trip up to Malibu (R.I.P. multimillion dollar homes and hills of the rich and famously coastal), domestic recreation, cooking, truffles, work, booking flights home for christmas, new sweatpant-wearing, and about 70 episodes of Law and Order (what? it's always on!)--and i'm really happy. Don't know if it's because i'm finally feeling in control of things, or in control of personal things, but i'll take it either way. noticed that other than a recent september blog, i haven't kept up with this during the past YEAR so i need to, even if no one ever reads this (a likely scenario). i need to reflect and wax sentimental because i need to. and the holidays are upon us, which more than anything means, to me, family, clinging to inside warm temperatures to dodge the cold, time spent with old friends, and sensory overload. the past year has gone as follows--job eats my life, i love my job, therefore i accept the job and know how much opportunity it affords me. which is certainly at the expense of time spent with friends, doing nothing, and keeping up with personal affairs, but it's my job to learn balance, and teeter-totter i shall. pictures attached chronicle my lovely roomate, my dreamy neighbor, good friends, my boss' dog, hollywood friends and combinations of those elements. all that's grinding my (seasonally) cranberry/pinetree-scented jingle gears is: -my credit -my desire to finance new car, severely impaired by credit -my inability to hang my damn clothes up -my deficient alacrity to keep in touch with non-LA friends. and even those who are here. all of the above are a work in progress. oh and i love the time between halloween and february 14th like nobodies business, so dangit if i'm not SUPER FREAKIN CHIPPER lately! love your favorite elf