Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Legend of Murphy

so before i continue to allude to Murphy in away messages or in parting, i gotta 'splain who he is. and how he's become an invaluable part of my life.

so during auditions on thursday, oh and also during what appeared to be an apocalyptic influx of Houston proper, i realized that my below-empty tank might not fare so well, esp. because i was listening to such great heights and picturing Gideon Yago in my mind: "friday, september 23rd. we walked through UT's campus and you JUST can't understand till you're there--her car ran out of gas. she was eaten by wolves."

so i run out of auditions right after teaching, and suffice it to say i'm no sight for sore eyes--it was one of those unremarkable and easily forgettable times. because the Shell station did not TELL me that plastic bags over the gas pumps = bad news bears, i stood there like an idiot and attempted to pump: i got approximately 20 cents of gas there, charged to the credit card no less. so then i made the journey down the road to a chevron in bumper-to-bumper 9pm traffic on guadalupe, found a pump, and went to work. look i'm not gonna euphemize this--i'm pretty sure i looked horrendous.

i'm facing the gas pump and suddenly this dude--dude is any guy with noticeable hair product; duuuuuuuuude--comes around from the other side and is like "hey, whatcha doin?" i guess the poor guy failed to realize that this was a pathetic line to use at a location DEFINED by its sole activity--to sell my soul for fuel--but whatev. long story short, his name was Murphy. he asked me if i was goin out that night (er, no. but if by get blitzed off an "el nino" at chilis, then yes!) and asked me if i'd wanna meet up the next night. he got the digits, called last night, and then said he'd call today. do i like this elusive Murphy? not really, but it proves the critical point of the story: forget the old Murphy's Law; when you're not looking for it, some attractive being will materialize from the ether and will ONLY serve to confuse you because you put zero effort into appearance and got hit on, whereas effort may actually be a deterrent to the opposite sex.

there, that's all i had to say. thank you, Murphy, for this confusing piece of evidence.

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