Thursday, March 02, 2006


if you don't already know what hyphy means...figure it out :)

it's been a good day--got up early, went to gym, picked up mike from airport, he was dead so he gave me the day off, went to audition which went well--hopefully will hear something soon--and then talked to kim mcswain b/c we're coordinating an event with dancers @ the centre in dallas... i wanna be her, just a little bit ( )

so it has been a good day so far, and tonight class = visiting post-production @ CSI: New York at CBS...this is one of those dreamy days when i snap and realize that 5/10yrs ago, i wanted to be here, doing exactly this, so very badly. don't get me wrong, not every day is like this. actually most of them aren't. but it's the ones like this that make it worth staying.

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