Thursday, January 22, 2009


I just woke up

No I mean really woke up--there is so much to do! I haven't been putting near as much out there as I used to/want to,

and it's not about expectations; rather, it's about a balance of giving and taking from my surroundings. I am a consumer and a thinker, but what the heck am I actually doing for anybody? For myself?

WOW. Ok. Ok. This is a good thing.

During this "interim" time, I think this is especially important...and goodness knows I want things to go in "that" direction with career, but in the meantime, am needing to step it up. I have so much to say, to be thankful for, to celebrate, to grow into.

Back to substantive things-

Our panini maker arrived today; I can't wait to tell T :) might be an early birthday present for him but I'm not sure.

Jan 20th was a momentous day for about 3 completely separate reasons, so that day will remain a day I thank God for.

I miss Europe, but the panini maker is part 1 of 2 that will help alleviate/acclimate...a cappuccino maker is next, and I want a good one.

I'm stuck between shopping for new career clothes and waiting until things are "confirmed" to do so...I'll probably compromise and pick out a few essentials this weekend.

I reeeaaally want to hit the mountain so am going to check with M and even with Y to see if there's a possibility for maybe the weekend after V Day.

Time to get to it, but before I go, I must say I am a happy escapist these days--thanks books and TV!
(this should be a somewhat temporary habit, but's so nice to read and watch, during the rain)

peace and blessings

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