Friday, May 05, 2006

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Oh my goodness. And so it draws to a close.

Right now, I'm sitting here thinking about where to go and what to do--literally. Ally and I are heading over to the UTLA center for some late-night work (I know, I know, it's 1am) and I might choreograph a little. Because I'm absolutely inspired! I found a site with mega free downloads of artist mashes and one solid 22min Coachella montage--Massive Attack, Matisyahu, Depeche Mode, Scissor Sisters, She Wants Revenge, TOOL, Gnarls Barkley, so many more. That was amazing--major thanks to Catherine for supplying free tix to Sunday's coachella show ( Come on!!! Actually what made my day was blissing out to Massive Attack at dusk laying down in the clean clean grass, hoodie over my head, staring at the sky, lights and palm tree silhouettes. mmmm..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So there it is. I'm ready to be done with school--pitched my feature film today for our final project and was actually really happy with results. Phil asked me if I wanted to pitch it to HBO or Showtime; told me what I'd need to do if I wanted to go forward. It's a thought. As usual, it's the typical Alanna-is-fond-of-depressing-subject-matter-themed-film. Won't leave you happy, folks, but that's not what I'm in the business of doing, at least not through art. I want to affect, not sedate. Won't catch me being anyone's opiate. Not unless you ask nicely.

This is what I've learned after being here so briefly (yeah I know I'm heading right back but whatever):
-love you all at home. Actually want to spend time and get to know some of you even better...
-I'm a failure at dating. Or at being asked to go on them...No worries--for the first time, I actually like me. I know I will be wonderful for someone. I don't mean someone will be lucky to have me; I mean I will make it my life-effort to be the joy and relief and support and diversion for some guy--he won't see it coming but I will be outstanding. Puppies turn into dogs.
-Always watch your phone etiquette--you never want to leave someone with the wrong impression. Only a few of you know what I mean, but ask if interested.
-I can't wait to dance myself to sleep.
-I love Mina and Gen and my fam and Rebecca and Leeanne and Ginger and rousta-fam and SA friends and more...
-My phone is almost is fun as a pet. Should I glue fur on it?
-I LOVE with my HEART my roomies.
-You know what doesn't come in apts here? Refrigerators, central air, parking spots, or free boyfriends.
-Kombucha is the BEST thing a human being can drink. Ask me (or find @ Whole foods)
-Since I know you all keep up with the latest pop opera artists from Bulgaria, we are doing a show next week @ the Kodak
check it check it check it

please love and call me. sorry; at my wits' end at the moment, like i said GOING to school on a thursday night @ 1am.

peace dudes...

**Oh, and most people, i.e. working professionals in LA, can't spell. Nor can they punctuate. I want to fix them with my prissy lil' attitude but they'd all kick my ass. College degree? Only special if it's designer or has boobs on it.
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