Wednesday, January 04, 2006

stabbing westward

here we are, done with leg I of the trip (ATX-SAT) and ready to move on to legs II, III, and IV (SAT-LBK, LBK to Angelfire, NM; and NM-LA, respectively). can't say i didn't cry a little from Austin to home, but it's weird--i'm getting better at holding back every time. not sure if that's good.

said goodbye to my dad already, after he all but drowned me in maps, flares, emergency kits, and money and there ain't NOTHIN wrong with that. i am so lucky! i love that man and the family he watches over. unbelieveably lucky.

getting ready to say bye to adare and mom, probably will be the hardest cause adare's been telling me that she isn't thinking or talking about it. then it's off to palapas--so perfect--for breakfast with Kat and then heading west to Lubbock. gonna catch the game (i've been wearing nonstop orange!) and chillax for a while, then we caravan to NM.

random--a guy from lancaster, england, came across my thesis site and asked me for paper references! neat-o and small-world and so forth. i hope i can be halfway useful to someone other than myself, and that is TRULY the understated sentiment of the hour, despite any obvious contradictions. hope to talk to anyone and everyone soon as i'm near a computer! ciao my loves.

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