Thursday, October 27, 2005

dear santa:

so i've decided that what i want from all of you for my birthday/christmas would be for each of my friends to make me a mix CD with things you think are special. i've been particularly touched by music lately, especially new music and nostalgia, so i can think of nothing better than to drive across the country to my new home in january to the soundtrack of everyone i love. i am just fascinated with knowing what moves people, and i think that would be a great way for me to connect with you when i'm gone or lonely or hopeful or whatever. it just really gets me--to know that while i have al green in my cd player, kel's got miles in hers. to know that im not the only one lovedrunk off of jonny lang (shout out to megan!). to hang out with elliot smith, cat stevens, kanye, james taylor, nina simone, fiona, the wrens, spoon, missy, bob marley (my mom vacuums the house to that) and practically ANYthing i can tie to a memory would be the most wonderful amazing gift you could leave me with. after watching kat's parents' wedding song be sung today, i have no doubt that music was a solid rope from here to there connecting what is difficult to realize. on the way home, i had to do it--i put in the christmas music, and sang 'o holy night' better than ever and with more heart and guts. please take me seriously on this--you, your jams, a piece of plastic, a way for me to take you with me.

1 comment:

jennyjeep said...

Oooh Miss Alanna. How I will miss you so...stop talking about you leaving! It makes me sad. We still have a few months left! But if it's my music you want, my music you shall get. ;) See you tomorrow!